During this quiz practice I learned basically everything about the basics in HTML. For example, hot to create a table, an image with a link, how to change the font of the text, and how to create lists. What I did to make the process easier, I first did a tutorial of the HTML and tried everything in a free trial the website had. In the free trial I did the whole quiz practice and then copied and pasted the HTML to the notepad. Anything I did not know or understand, I looked for it in the tutorial or in Google. What I found easy about this practice, was writing the tags for the lists and line breaks; and what I found a bit more challenging was adding the picture with the link. Even though I had the website's tutorial to help me, I had a bit of trouble making everything work with the notepad and making it into the HTML.
table border="5">
The Benefits of Red Wine | tr>
Many studies investigated the benefits of red wine suggested that moderate amount of red wine (one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men) lowers the risk of heart attack for people in middle age by ~ 30 to 50 percent. /td> |
Right now we are going to start a project about HTML. Since I have never learned anything about this topic, I don't know anything about it, but in this project I will research and learn many things about HTML.
The word HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language" and it is the language in which web pages are made. It describes the structure and content of the web page in sets of codes. In the web pages, the HTML codes can also describe pictures, sounds, graphics, and animations. This markup language extended from SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) to XHTML (an extensible HTML format). The web standards are made by the World Wide Web Consortium,
- Tutorials about using HTML:
When creating a web page, the HTML is the format or language that is used to doing so. If you want to write something, it has to have a special code in before and after of what you're going to write. Everything you write must be written in a way that when the web page is created, it looks the way you want it. For example, if you want the background of your web page to be yellow, you have to write it in this format so that it is yellow:
A good blog is an online journal that contains appropriate content, maybe informative, educational, videoblog, audioblog, or a photoblog, that does not bully, annoy, or bother anyone else. Also a good blog attracts lots of attention by having a very attracting theme, pictures, videos, music, and information. They also have a comments section so that people who visit the blog can say their opinions and what they think about the blog. As stated in the previous post about, What makes a good comment?, people who leave their comments on the blog have to say their opinion, whether positive or negative, in a polite way. This also applies for blog posts. A good blog can be about the opinion of the blogger, but what makes it good is that they say it in a polite way, so that other people don't get offended. For example, if I want to say something about the government of my country, I can say negative things as well as positive things, but I have to write my opinions about it in a respectful way, considering that other people may get hurt because of something I said that was rude.
A good comment is a constructive opinion about the post. It shares the commenter's opinions about the post, but respects the person's opinions also. It is appropriate, useful, productive, and positive or negative,but does not intend to bully, annoy, or bother someone else. A good comment can also show somebody's support about the post being commented on. For example, if the post is about a food recipe, a person might comment on how the recipe worked for them or didn't and ask what to do in order to make it work. Or maybe the commenter can write about another way to cook the same food and how the other recipe can be modified to make it easier. Also about a personal experience that can help other people cook the food.
Hello, I am now in 9th Grade and I will use this blog as my MYP Technology Class online journal. In this blog I will post homeworks, information, and other useful things that might help me as the class progresses during the semester. I expect constructive, educational, and appropriate comments for the posts I create and respect toward my opinions.
You have to look the information related with each of the following ideas and put it in your blog. 1. Gears in robotics: a toothed part of a machine that is held together with another toothed part used to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion. 2. Concept of Force: is one of the fundamental concepts of physics. It is something that changes the motion of an object. 3. Concept of Torque: mechanical part that changes the rotational motion of an object. 4. How gears work? Gears are used in basically every mechanical object. They make the electronic devices work by implying a special force that makes them move. They can also modify the direction of the rotation of something. For example, when a car turns, the power from the shaft is transmitted to the wheels. This makes the wheels turn. 5. Types of gears: explain each type and have a picture of it. There are many types of gears, some are: 6. Gears efficiency: 7. Direction of gear rotation: a gear can rotate in two different directions, forward rotation and backward rotation. The forward rotation, also called standard rotation, is when the central part of the tooth in the gear goes in the gearing region. The backward rotation is when the tips of the teeth first go in the gearing region. 8. Gear pitch: the pitch is the space between the teeth of the gear where another gear’s teeth would fit.
The one who invented the 3 Laws of Robotics was Isaac Asimov. He was born in Russia, Petrovichi, on January 2nd, 1920, and died on April 6th, 1992 in New York, USA. He was an American author and taught biochemistry at the University of Boston. He is best known for his popular science fiction works and science books. He has written over 9000 letters and postcards and edited nearly 500 books; he is considered one of the most prolific writers of all time. He was the writer of the series called I, Robot, which nowadays is very popular. 3 Laws of Robotics: - A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
- A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
In the movie, I, Robot, the robots must follow the three laws, but the program V.I.K.I, starts creating robots that can decide whether or not to follow the laws. These robots it creates, are a threat to humans since they don't treat them right and make them stay at their houses so that they can't interfere with V.I.K.I.'s plan to control everything. Also the protagonist, Dt. Spooner, hates robots because he had an accident and an older version of the robots saved him instead of a girl, who was also in danger, and she died.