A good blog is an online journal that contains appropriate content, maybe informative, educational, videoblog, audioblog, or a photoblog, that does not bully, annoy, or bother anyone else. Also a good blog attracts lots of attention by having a very attracting theme, pictures, videos, music, and information. They also have a comments section so that people who visit the blog can say their opinions and what they think about the blog. As stated in the previous post about, What makes a good comment?, people who leave their comments on the blog have to say their opinion, whether positive or negative, in a polite way. This also applies for blog posts. A good blog can be about the opinion of the blogger, but what makes it good is that they say it in a polite way, so that other people don't get offended. For example, if I want to say something about the government of my country, I can say negative things as well as positive things, but I have to write my opinions about it in a respectful way, considering that other people may get hurt because of something I said that was rude.