Tuesday, September 14, 2010

HTML Quiz Practice Reflection

During this quiz practice I learned basically everything about the basics in HTML. For example, hot to create a table, an image with a link, how to change the font of the text, and how to create lists. What I did to make the process easier, I first did a tutorial of the HTML and tried everything in a free trial the website had. In the free trial I did the whole quiz practice and then copied and pasted the HTML to the notepad. Anything I did not know or understand, I looked for it in the tutorial or in Google. What I found easy about this practice, was writing the tags for the lists and line breaks; and what I found a bit more challenging was adding the picture with the link. Even though I had the website's tutorial to help me, I had a bit of trouble making everything work with the notepad and making it into the HTML.


table border="5">

tr>The Benefits of Red Winetr>Many studies investigated the benefits of red wine suggested that moderate amount of red wine (one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men) lowers the risk of heart attack for people in middle age by ~ 30 to 50 percent. /td>